Saturday, September 18, 2010

The International Travelers Bill of Rights Act

Davon Green- Franklin drowned while on Spring break in Cancun, Mexico. Davon was a swimmer, but due to a medical emergency that he suffered in the ocean, it prevented him from being able to swim to safety.  Davon attended Howard University and we recently were the recipients of his posthumous degree. We are working with Maureen Webster whose son  Nolan Webster also drowned in Cancun, Mexico; she is from Massachusetts and Rep. Edward Markey( D-MA-7) sponsored this bill. It is our hope that H.R. 3099: International Travelers Bill of Rights Act of 2009 will be signed by President Obama. Maureen and I both feel in our hearts that if certain measures were in place, our sons would still be alive today.
H.R 3099: International Travelers Bill of Rights Act of 2009

Before consumers book their trip abroad, it is important to understand not just the rewards of a foreign visit, but also the possible risks associated with health and safety issues.
Travelers have a right to be provided with the best and most current information about health and safety conditions at their international destinations so that they can make smart, informed decisions.
The time to learn about the health and safety resources of your vacation spot is not after you experience an emergency overseas – it’s before you book your trip.

What H.R. 3099 Does

The International Travelers Bill of Rights Act requires that Americans are provided with the most current health and safety information before booking an international trip online.
If such information is not available, H.R. 3099 requires a clear, conspicuous notice so the consumer knows that this health and safety information has not been provided - the lack of information can then be factored into the decision of whether to book the trip.
H.R. 3099 requires travel services websites to provide their customers with easily accessible and clearly-worded health- and safety-related information including:

· State Department travel warnings and travel alerts
· Whether the destination employs a physician or a nurse
· Whether the destination has an automated external defibrillator and employs personnel trained in its use
· Whether the destination employs personnel trained in CPR
· Whether the destination employs a lifeguard, if there are swimming areas

Endorsements of H.R. 3099

The International Travelers Bill of Rights Act has been endorsed by two of the most prominent national consumer advocacy organizations: Consumers Union and U.S. PIRG.
Consumers Union, the publisher of the widely-read Consumer Reports says that the International Travelers Bill of Rights Act “will begin the process of improving the level of concern and focus on this often-overlooked consumer danger.” Two weeks ago, I was at the Howard University Presidential Commencement Dinner and had the opportunity to speak with Congressman Elijah Cummings, he has since signed onto this bill.
  • You can help by contacting your legislators and ask them to support "The International Travelers Bill of Rights Act.